Your 2025 Year-Round Stewardship Calendar

Raise your hand: How many non-profits sent you a free calendar in December? I think I got at least three.
And raise your hand again: How many of you felt ever-so guilty when you recycled the aforementioned calendars? I’m right there with you.
Today however, is your day. It’s Free Calendar Day! But this one is different. This one is your (merely) two-page Year-Round Stewardship Calendar. And bonus…it’s the 2025 edition!
Print it off, hang it somewhere prominently, share it with office staff and your Finance or Stewardship Committee. Just don’t let it go to waste.
This calendar is meant to get you into a Generosity Mindset. The more you do these things every month, the more they will seep into your DNA…and most importantly, your congregation’s DNA too. By using this calendar, you can easily practice stewardship. You can also exude a thankful heart.
So, friends, I give you…Your 2025 Year-Round Stewardship Calendar.

If you would like to get this calendar in a Word Document so you can personalize it to your

congregation, just shoot me an email and I’ll get it right over to you.
Two more things:
1. Last week, an astute reader noticed that there were two links that didn’t work in the #1 most-read post in 2024: The Finance Committee: Where are your Files? The links have been fixed.
2. Like most of you, I have been heart-sick about the devastation in the Los Angeles area. I grew up in Southern California and my hometown of Azusa does not seem all that far away from the fires. If you have not yet had a chance to donate to the massive and immediate need, please do so now. Here are three organizations to consider giving to:

And of course, being a good United Methodist, the United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR) does amazing work. You can find out more here – and designate your gift to their wildfire work in California to Advance # 901670.

Cesie Delve Scheuermann
(pronounced “CC Delv Sherman,” yes, really) is a Stewardship Consultant for the OR-ID Annual Conference. She is also a Senior Ministry Strategist with Horizons Stewardship. For 25 years, while working as a volunteer and part-time consultant, she has helped raise over three million dollars for numerous churches and non-profit organizations.
You can reach Cesie at, at, or at Want to schedule a meeting? She’s got you covered! She wants you to see one beautiful reunion that came out of the L.A. fires.
Schedule a meeting now.
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