Offering Plate a Little Empty? Try “Funding Forward.”
Over the past few years, it's become clear that most congregations cannot solely rely on the offering plate to cover the mission and ministry work of their churches.
In response, a new area of church renewal has emerged called “asset stewardship.”
The “assets” in question are the physical assets of your church that might be used in new and exciting ways, not only to bring in needed dollars, but perhaps more importantly, to enhance the work God has called your congregation to do.
We Aren’t Broke: Uncovering Hidden Resources for Mission and Ministry by Mark Elsdon was my initial introduction to this new movement (read my interview with him here). I’ve signed up for Rooted Good’s emails to find out how “faith-based organizations can align money and mission, reclaim their relevance in a changing world and be the Church the world needs today.” And The Coming Revolution in Church Economics: Why Tithes and Offerings Are No Longer Enough, and What You Can Do about It by Mark DeYmaz has also influenced others in thinking about their buildings afresh.
A new and welcome addition has hit the asset stewardship scene.
Grace Duddy Pomroy’s, Funding Forward: A Pathway to More Sustainable Models for Ministry provides a clear spiritual grounding for asset stewardship and offers twelve real-world examples.
The beauty is that each project is different and unique to their context. Each congregation has a strong understanding of their “why” and what they sense God is calling them to do. For example,
The Table United Methodist Church in Sacramento, CA discerned that they were to do something about isolation and loneliness. Their response was to start a farm and offer monthly subscriptions for food and flowers. Soon after COVID restrictions were lifted, they finished a kitchen renovation and started “Table Bread,” another subscription-based product where they deliver a loaf of bread once a week to subscribers (and give one to the local food bank).
After the Bethany Lutheran Church closed in Seattle, WA, 7400 Woodlawn was born. What used to be a largely unused facility now houses a center for community, arts, and spirituality. Twenty-three partners utilize the space, including two worshipping communities.
First Presbyterian of Gulf Shores in Gulf Shores, Alabama is a small congregation that has given their space new life through their affordable “Hand-in-Hand Business Center.” They've rented out nearly all their useable space to small businesses and entrepreneurs. Seeing this as ministry, they share the kitchen and fellowship hall with church staff allowing them to develop relationships that otherwise would not have happened.
How you use your building to meet your ministry goals may be far different than the church down the road. What makes this so exciting – and yet a little unnerving – is that one size doesn’t fit all. It will be up to you and your congregation to determine how best to utilize the physical resources God has entrusted to your care.
Pomroy’s book is meant to be read with a small group. The book is divided into two parts; Pomroy first helps readers discern how to build a strong foundation and then asks (and helps to answer), “what might God be calling your congregation to do?”
In addition, at the beginning of each chapter, Pomroy grounds the reader in scripture, what she calls “dwelling questions,” and a prayer. Each chapter ends with a “practice” – something you can do to move the process along – and reflection questions. All these small practices lead to discerning how God might use your buildings in new and exciting ways.
Are you dreaming about how your church might impact the community? Are you also wondering how you might fund your current valuable mission and ministry? Get a creative, grounded group together and definitely take a read of Funding Forward.
Exciting news!
A FREE webinar featuring
Grace Pomroy speaking about her book Funding Forward.
Tuesday, February 11
10am – 11am (PST)
Register Here (did I mention that it’s free?). The webinar will be recorded.
The webinar is hosted by the Cascadia District Grants and Loans through the OR-ID Annual Conference of the UMC. It is open to anyone interested.
Cesie Delve Scheuermann (pronounced “CC Delv Sherman,” yes, really) is a Stewardship Consultant for the OR-ID Annual Conference. She is also a Senior Ministry Strategist with Horizons Stewardship. For 25 years, while working as a volunteer and part-time consultant, she has helped raise over three million dollars for numerous churches and non-profit organizations.
You can reach Cesie at, at, or at Want to schedule a meeting? She’s got you covered! Need a little inspiration? Take a listen to the Freedom Singers singing an old civil rights song. You’ll be glad you did.
Schedule a meeting now.
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