Inspiring Generosity
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The “Sunday Morning Stick-Up”?
Money is a spiritual issue. We can control it or we can give God control over it. “God is the owner, I am the ower.” Do we really believe that? When we say “yes” to Jesus do we really say, “You can have my life Jesus but let me keep my wallet”?

What the Heck is “Social Proof”?
Social proof is a way that community is built. Most of us do care what others think. We want to be part of the pack – in a good way. We want to know that there are other disciples and siblings in the faith with whom we identify.

The Third Grade Bible
The church is a place where we make meaning. It gives us a home base. It can bring all ages together to go forth into the world and make a difference. That Third Grade Bible can be transformational.

How to Write a Memorable Thank You Note
I admit it. Writing thank you notes gives me that hit of dopamine that keeps my spirits up. And during these times – we need to do whatever we can to bring joy to ourselves and others.

4 Ways to Make People Like You More
You may not be able to turn water into wine, but you can surprise and delight your staff, your congregation, or your donors in a lot of inexpensive and creative ways.

Blogs You Should Be Reading
I suggest these blogs to you – clergy and laity – because you can learn a lot about what “good” fundraising looks like from them. What you learn through them can, more often than not, be translated for the work of the church.

Which Jesus to Follow?
As people of faith, what we do with our money can be countercultural. It honors Jesus, not us. It’s not about grasping the rungs of the upward mobility ladder – it is about remembering who it is we serve, and the life Jesus lived.

Do One Thing to Keep Your Spirits Up: Love
So go ahead, take a mental health day and show a little love to your congregation. I can almost guarantee that you’ll be in a better place to face the world if you do.

Keep Track of the Good Stuff
Getting lost in nostalgia is not necessarily a bad response to anxiety. However, if you get stuck there…what does that say about how you view the future?
That’s why I love the six-minute video I watched from Water’s Edge Church in Omaha, NE.

Offering Plate a Little Empty? Try “Funding Forward.”
Are you dreaming about how your church might impact the community? Are you also wondering how you might fund your current valuable mission and ministry? Get a creative, grounded group together and definitely take a read of Funding Forward.