How to Write a Memorable Thank You Note
These are crazy times.
That, my friends, is an understatement.
My coffee tumbler has two stickers on it – a picture of John Lewis with the words, “Good Trouble” and another one that says, “Joy is a Form of Resistance.”
What brings you joy?
An ice cream cone? A walk around the park? Having coffee with a good friend? Petting your dog? Binge-watching HGTV?
How about writing a thank you note?
Check this out from North Dakota’s Behavioral Health Department:
When we express gratitude, our brain releases dopamine and serotonin, the two crucial neurotransmitters responsible for our emotions, and they make us feel ‘good’. They enhance our mood immediately, making us feel happy from the inside.
Writing a thank you letter can generate that much needed “hit” to make us feel happier. And…the person who receives that note will feel it too.
Here’s how to write a memorable thank you note:
Don’t begin with “Dear Friend.”
Do use the person’s name (and the way they prefer to be addressed).
Don’t start the note with “On behalf of blah, blah, blah…thank you for blah, blah blah.” Wait to say that until the second or third sentence (minus the blah, blah, blahs).
Do start with an opening line that has them saying “Wow!” Think: “You made my day!” or “You are making a difference in this world!” or “I was so blessed to receive your gift.”
Don’t go on and on.
Do keep it short and sweet.
Do tell about impact. State how the gift will be used.
Don’t make it hard to read. If you’re handwriting a letter – maybe you should print. If you’re typing, make it (at minimum) 12-point font.
Do personally sign the letter and (if it’s a form letter) add an additional “thank you” or “your gift means a lot” next to your signature.
Do add a P.S. Invite the donor to call you or to come for a tour or promote an upcoming event.
If you’d like a few examples of un-boring thank yous , drop me a note and I’d be happy to send some along.
I admit it. Writing thank you notes gives me that hit of dopamine that keeps my spirits up. And during these times – we need to do whatever we can to bring joy to ourselves and others.
Try it and see if writing a note to someone who supports you and your work does the same for you.
Joy is a form of resistance. Let’s practice it.
Cesie Delve Scheuermann (pronounced “CC Delv Sherman,” yes, really) is a Stewardship Consultant for the OR-ID Annual Conference. She is also a Senior Ministry Strategist with Horizons Stewardship. For 25 years, while working as a volunteer and part-time consultant, she has helped raise over three million dollars for numerous churches and non-profit organizations.
You can reach Cesie at, at, or at Want to schedule a meeting? She’s got you covered! Check out The Georgia Mass Choir singing Joy.
Schedule a meeting now.
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