The Day After: “I’m Not Going to Let Fear Overtake Me”

It’s odd to write about the “day after” because I am writing this on Election Day. I hope this does not blow your mind, but today (Tuesday) I’m thinking about tomorrow. Without knowing the outcome.
On Monday night for the past four-plus years, I’ve been meeting on Zoom for one hour with 30-35 people to talk about “Educating Ourselves about Race & Racism.” Most of us who gather are from Salem, but some are from Idaho and Washington, and all over Oregon. There are United Methodists, Episcopalians, Lutherans, Presbyterians, Catholics, agnostics, and atheists. All coming together to learn.
Last night we watched a video about the history of the KKK in Oregon. To say it was sobering was an understatement. It was also distressing knowing that this kind of hate still exists, not only in Oregon, but across our great country.
After we had some time to process what we had seen, we pivoted to talking about how we were handling the anxiety that many people are feeling around the election. Oddly, the mood changed and lightened. People spoke about turning off the news, getting out the vote, doing more service, and praying.
And then Gwen Carr, a founder of Oregon Black Pioneers and who was featured in the video, said this:

I had a conversation with my adult grandson this evening…and I was saying,
No matter how this thing goes – I have some fears – however, what I fall back on I have to remember our people have survived everything, the good, the bad, and the ugly in this country. 
And no matter what happens, we are still going to be around and we are still going to have to persevere.
And so that’s what I’m going to fall back on.
I’m not going to let fear overtake me, even though I have concerns. I am not going to let fear overtake me, no matter what happens.
I guess I’m just an optimist enough to think that’s what's going to take me through…that, and God, of course.

Gwen’s words are resonating with me. Her generosity of spirit is not lost on me either.
So, with Gwen, no matter what the “day after” brings, “I am not going to let fear overtake me, no matter what happens.”
May this be your prayer as well.
Photo credit: Marcelo Moeira

Cesie Delve Scheuermann (pronounced “CC Delv Sherman,” yes, really) is a Stewardship Consultant for the OR-ID Annual Conference. She is also a Senior Ministry Strategist with Horizons Stewardship. For 25 years, while working as a volunteer and part-time consultant, she has helped raise millions of dollars for numerous churches and non-profit organizations. She wants you to hear They’ll Know We are Christians by the AME Zion National Mass Choir. Then live it out!
You can reach Cesie at, at, or at Want to schedule a meeting? She’s got you covered!
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